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The 10 strongest characters in the ‘Resident Evil’ games, ranked

Sometimes it seems like everyone in the RE verse is overpowered in some way.

Mother Miranda from Resident Evil Village and Jill Valentine from Resident Evil 5
Images via Capcom

What are the markings of true strength? It is an imposing physique, limitless power/influence or simply unwavering determination and resolve? There are a few interpretations as to what makes a Resident Evil character strong, going beyond their physical capabilities and thinking outside the brawn box. It never hurts to have superhuman strength and endurance, but does that make one stronger than another or do those enhancements act as a crutch for the weakling underneath it all? The Resident Evil universe is swarming with formidable strength, be it complications from the T-Virus, a mutated strain such as the C-Virus, or the human condition knowing no bounds. It helps to have years of academy training, plus the added bonus of rippling biceps or increased stamina, but how strong are the strongest of all Resident Evil characters?

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10 Strongest Resident Evil Characters, Weakest to Strongest

10. Jill Valentine

Jill Valentine from Resident Evil 3
Image via Capcom

Introduced in 1996’s Resident Evil, the first of them all, Jill Valentine is one of the longest-standing protagonists in the entire franchise. She’s outlasted remake after remake after sequel, suffering some cosmetic changes along the way that were nothing short of an eye sore. We’re still on the fence about Resident Evil 5 Jill, especially that blonde hair, but we’ll mark it down to a one-off. During the 1990s, Jill served in the U.S. Army, so there’s enough proof of her resilience as a stand-out female in a predominantly male profession. She became one of the only women in the world with Delta Force training, excelling in lock-picking, code-breaking and bomb disposal. She’s survived multiple encounters with Nemesis, Umbrella’s most dangerous asset, plus a run-in with Albert Wesker that led to four years of brainwashed servitude. Although she’s intimidating in her own right, we’d say Jill’s true strength lies within.

9. Chris Redfield

Chris Redfield in Resident Evil 5
Image via Capcom

There’s a number of reasons why Chris Redfield might be considered conventionally ‘strong’ and we could name two bulging biceps right off the bat. Let’s not forget Resident Evil 5‘s boss fight against Albert Wesker wherein Chris literally jabbed a boulder repeatedly, right-hooking it as if he were Mike Tyson in the ring before tossing it aside with astounding ease. Having trained in the Air Force, Chris is a certified pilot for both planes and helicopters. Originally, Chris had befriended Albert Wesker before discovering him to be an Umbrella spy. Redfield has taken on an endless amount of mutated foes, including Albert Wesker himself, whom Chris kills in Resident Evil 5. He’s gone toe-to-toe with some of the toughest enemies in Resident Evil history, many of whom have made this list. If that isn’t a testament to his strength, we’re not quite sure what is.

8. Sherry Birkin

Sherry Birkin from Resident Evil 6
Image via Capcom

Although she might not look like much, Sherry stands a cut above the likes of Jill Valentine and Chris Redfield due to her regenerative abilities, acquired after exposure to the G-Virus, which was subsequently cured. Following William Birkin’s mutation and subsequent death, Sherry took to hiding in the Raccoon City Police Department, where she was found by Claire Redfield and Leon S. Kennedy. She was kept in U.S. government custody until the death of Albert Wesker, thereafter the government offered her freedom from custody in exchange for becoming a federal agent, which she accepted. It was due to the efforts of Sherry Birkin and Jake Muller that a vaccine for the C-Virus was procured and the outbreak eventually contained. Although she isn’t a mainstay like Jill or Chris, she’s certainly stronger than an average human due to her biological enhancements, no matter how much Chris works out.

7. Jack Baker

Resident Evil 7 Jack Baker Boss Fight
Image via Capcom

We’ll admit that without Eveline’s regenerative gift, Jack Baker is no more spectacular than the average human, but the fungal bio-weapon endowed him with extreme violent tendencies, leading to the Baker family kidnapping, killing and cannibalizing hundreds of unsuspecting tourists. Once the infection had replaced all human cells in Jack’s body with fungal imitations, his memories had been stored aboard Annabelle and Eveline had rendered him and the others amnesiacs. Several encounters with Ethan Winters proved just how resistant the Mold could be. Jack repeatedly ‘died’ after feuding with Ethan, only to regenerate and disfigure himself more horrifically each time. Eventually, there was nothing left of the Jack Baker we’d seen before Eveline, just a grotesque abomination hellbent on destroying the man who murdered his wife Marguerite. Each time Ethan faces Jack, the latter grows more powerful, although it could be argued that Jack himself isn’t strong, but rather Eveline.

6. Alexia Ashford

Resident Evil Alexia Ashford
Image via Capcom

Hailing from British nobility, Alexia Ashford was the offspring of unknown parentage cloned during an experiment known as Project CODE: Veronica. When she was old enough, Alexia became a virologist at Umbrella Pharmaceuticals due to her status as the granddaughter of Dr. Edward Ashford, one of the co-founders. Ashford founded the T-Veronica virus, which she injected herself with in order to become a superior being. Alexia discovered that by residing in cryogenic suspension, she could slow the virus’ mutation and allow it to mature within her cells, thus enabling her to control it. When she had achieved what she believed to be godhood, Alexia confronted Albert Wesker, whom she tried to kill. Eventually, Wesker fled and left Chris Redfield to fight Alexia, whose final form made her near invincible. In the end, Chris defeats Alexia, though not without the latter putting up a memorable fight.

5. Mother Miranda

Mother Miranda Resident Evil Village
Image via Capcom

You have no idea how badly we wanted to put Lady D in this spot, but as foreboding as Alcina is, she’s ultimately a servant to Mother Miranda, her superior and the leader of a Pagan cult ruling over an isolated mountain village. Mother Miranda lost her daughter to the Spanish flu, discovering the Mold shortly thereafter and becoming infected by it. She would later command an entire village of supernatural monsters; Vampires, Lycans, and even the Molded. Miranda sought to kidnap Rosemary Winters in search of the perfect vessel to revive her daughter, eventually crossing paths with Ethan Winters. Although we didn’t include Resident Evil 7‘s Eveline on this list, Miranda represents them both. She possesses shapeshifting abilities, able to impersonate Mia Winters, an old Hag, and even transform into a flock of crows. She also has the superhuman strength, speed and durability associated with the Molded. Beyond the effects of the Mold, Miranda is exceptionally intelligent, which allowed her to outsmart Ethan and get close to Rose.

4. William Birkin

William Birkin Resident Evil
Image via Capcom

In a stand-off with Alpha Team Leader “HUNK” and his comrades, William Birkin was gunned down after attempting to resist his extraction. Injured and dying, Birkin injected himself with the “G” sample left behind after the Alpha Team raided the lab, transforming into what became known as a “G” mutant. During his rampage, he destroyed many “G” and “T” virus samples, subsequently contaminating the city’s water supply and unleashing the virus on Raccoon City. Birkin sought out Sherry, a biological match for his DNA, as a carrier for his mutant larvae. Sherry was infected as a result. Ultimately, Birkin suffered a devastating defeat at the hands of Claire Redfield, but his exact cause of death has been disputed. There’s been discourse among the Resident Evil fanbase as to whether or not William Birkin could take on Nemesis, so that’s enough indication of his immense power. He’s a hair above Mother Miranda simply because Birkin had full control over his mutation whereas Miranda was essentially another Molded at the mercy of the Mold itself, just like Jack Baker.

3. Jake Muller

Resident Evil Jake Muller
Image via Capcom

He’s the son of Albert Wesker, what more do you need to know? Starting out as a mercenary as a means to support his mother, Jake supposedly joined the Edonian Liberation Army, largely operating in South America. After his trainer betrayed his unit, Muller lost all faith in humanity and resorted to greed, only ever completing jobs for the money. As a mercenary, Jake developed impeccable skill in both armed and hand-to-hand combat, further enhanced by his genetically-modified blood, originating from Albert Wesker. His mutation grants him capabilities beyond a mere human’s limitations, evidenced by how he even managed to stagger the Ustanak — a feat only achieved until that point by high-caliber weapons like the Elephant Killer or large explosions. His physical endurance outlasts even that of Chris and Leon, who resort to rather traditional fighting styles whereas Jake prefers the flashy approach with Wesker-like high-kicks and open-palm attacks.

2. Nemesis

Nemesis Resident Evil
Image via Capcom

Several Nemesis T-types were produced by Umbrella, though only the Nemesis T-02 is known to have experienced combat, frequently at odds with Jill Valentine. Although taller than other Tyrant models, Nemesis — nicked “the Pursuer” — possesses vastly superior intelligence and physical dexterity. Nemesis was created to lock on to a target and relentlessly hunt them down until they’re destroyed. Other Tyrants typically need nothing more than rocket launchers to defeat them, whereas Nemesis requires a rail cannon to even scratch the surface, and even then, it keeps coming back for more. Nemesis was able to survive multiple rocket launcher shots from Carlos, a fall into a burning building, and industrial grade acid — among other things. To top it all off, the more damage Nemesis takes, the more he mutates into a bigger, badder and more persistent forms. Ironically, Nemesis’ preferred weapon is typically a rocket launcher, which is commonly used to kill most other Tyrants.

1. Albert Wesker

Albert Wesker Dead By Daylight
Image via Behaviour Interactive

We wouldn’t go as far as to call Wesker bulletproof, but he might as well be. His reaction time is unparalleled, allowing him to dodge incoming bullets with ease and even transport himself across a room from a dead stand-still in a matter of seconds. Although Wesker can be overpowered by a Tyrant, he’s got multiple advantages to being smaller and more agile. In fact, Wesker managed to defeat two advanced T103’s with nothing but a modded firearm and his superhuman strength/speed. It’s safe to say that Wesker won’t go down easy, not unless you’ve got a spare nuke lying around or happen to shoot him with two rocket launchers at the same time. Even then, you’d have to hope the shots hit their target. Ultimately, Chris and Sheva kill Wesker inside a volcano, which was perhaps a saving grace for the pair, who wouldn’t have defeated him otherwise.