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6 Amazing, Open World Sandbox Games That Aren’t Grand Theft Auto

Do you remember the way you felt when you first started playing Grand Theft Auto 3? It was as if, suddenly, any insane fantasy you ever had about how a game could play out was suddenly coming true. Suddenly, I didn't HAVE to go in any direction I didn't want to. Suddenly, I wasn't forced, as a gamer, to make the game play out the way the programmers MADE ME with other games. For the first time, I was free to play a game ANY WAY I wanted to.

Burnout: Paradise

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Okay, before you tear me limb from limb in the comments, hear me out. I am not a fan of racing games either, which is what makes Burnout: Paradise even MORE remarkable. It is an open world racing game that is SO GOOD, and so unlike any other open world game ever made, that I truly believe every gamer right now needs to pick this game up (or download it) to see just how spectacular and fun it is.

Burnout: Paradise is simple in premise, and unique in execution. You are a “racer” who lives in Paradise City, which is a living, breathing city full of racers. Instead of starting events randomly like in all racing games, this game simply drops you on the map and says: go find something to do. What is amazing is, you can drive around, cause HUGE car accidents (two of mine are so epicthat I have streets named after my gamertag in that game, which is their version of a leaderboard), but as soon as you get bored of driving around and starting shit on your own, you drive up to any light in the giant, sprawling city, wait for it to turn green, and BAM, event starts, right there.

And the real kicker here is that this is not a racing game. Yes, there are MANY races to be had and won, but there are a great many events you can get yourself in, such as Takedown, or Made Man. In Takedown, for example, the whole city has become like a sick game of bumper cars, and you are given a certain number of cars you need to “take down” to advance. Awesome, huh? And Made Men is the same thing, except five black, unmarked cars follow you to your destination intent on getting you into a wreck. It adds depth to an already huge game, and everything about it, from the soundtrack, to the badass (generic) vehicle selection, makes Burnout Paradise not only one of the most original uses for an open world ever, but also quite easily the best racing game I have ever played.

Gran Turismo fans, be gentle.