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Super Mario 3D World’s Disc Art Is Purrrrrfectly Cute!

Earlier today IGN associate editor Jose Otero tweeted out a picture of his review copy of Super Mario 3D World, revealing the most shockingly adorable disc art I've ever seen.

super mario 3d world disc art

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Earlier today IGN associate editor Jose Otero Tweeted out a picture of his review copy of Super Mario 3D World, revealing the most shockingly adorable disc art I’ve ever seen.

While the ungrateful Jose Otero was not overly impressed with the “simplicity” of Nintendo’s choice of disc art, the cuteness that is Mario’s close up face in the new Cat Suit simply can not be denied. Sure, it is a little troubling that the hole in the disc looks like someone shot Mario in the forehead, but the way he is reaching up with his little kitty-hand to playfully paw at the Super Mario 3D World logo is just too much!

Super Mario 3D World launches for the Wii U on November 22nd (sadly, I will be forced to wait just over a month longer for my daughters’ copy to show up from Santa). Check out the full adorable cat-face Mario disc art in the photo above and stick with WGTC for more coverage on the game as we get closer to its launch date.