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Sunset Overdrive Eyes-On Preview [E3 2014]

The year is 2027. A multinational corporation called Fizzco has emerged as a superpower of sorts and is three weeks away from releasing a hot new energy drink called Overcharge Delirium XT. To celebrate, they're holding a huge pre-release party in the fictional Sunset City. Seeing as the corporation "brute forced" their way through FDA testing, thing soon go very wrong, very fast. The drink turns people into mutants and quarantine walls are soon quickly built around the city. With everything descending into anarchy, you find yourself in a world without rules, where you can do anything you want. It's basically a video game fantasy come true. Or, as the guys from Insomniac put it, "one man's apocalypse is another man's awesome apocalypse."


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So, who will be trying to stop you from achieving your goal? Well, the mutants, of course. Insomniac has created several different types of enemies for you to contend with as you make your way through the vibrant metropolis. In our demo, we were introduced to The OD, also known as the Overcharged Delirium drinkers, who are basically addicts for the energy drink. The problem is, if they get their hands on more of the nasty liquid, they evolve into Poppers, who were described as “volatile and explosive.” The other enemy types we encountered included the Herker, a large mutant who can deflect bullets, charge at you, and rip up pieces of the ground to hurl your way, and the Blower, a mutant that’s wrapped around a leaf blower (yes, you read that right) who can shoot projectiles. The mutants won’t be your only threats, either, as there will also be human enemies known as Scabs, who will kill you for loot.

Undoubtedly, Insomniac was trying to demonstrate that the goal with Sunset Overdrive was to build a world that was a video game fantasy come true. And just upon first glance, it certainly looks like they’ve accomplished that. A popping, colorful, beautiful and inviting art style immediately drew me in, as did the game’s laws of physics, or lack thereof.

You see, in Sunset Overdrive, physics doesn’t exist. You can bounce off almost anything, over grind, under grind, slide, wall run, double jump….basically any platforming manoeuvre you can think of is available here. Not only that, but it’s actually encouraged that you be moving at all times. Standing still and aiming almost always means certain death. As Insomniac says, “fun trumps realism,” and that’s what they’re going for here. Pure, unrelenting fun.

This is no Mirror’s Edge though, and simply parkouring around this open world won’t be enough to get rid of your enemies. No, to truly succeed, you’ll have to utilize some of the game’s over-the-top weapons, like the one handed dragon (which shoots fireworks that explodes), or the high fidelity (which shoots 12 inch vinyl records). Honestly, we’re not making this stuff up. Melee combat is also available, if you’d rather go that route.

Insomniac was sure to stress throughout the demo that everything is built on momentum. As I said above, you should always be moving. To encourage this, the developers created the style meter, which fills up as you pull off crazy parkour moves and take down enemies. As you fill up the gauge, you’re rewarded with amps, which are similar to attributes in that they enhance your combat skills. The higher your style meter is, the more amps you get.

When pushed for more info on these amps, Insomniac told us that they are collected throughout the game world and once you find recipes for them and gather supplies, they can be crafted. There’s no UI for this either, you simply earn the amps through playing and craft them on the go. From augmenting melee to enhancing your movement and weapons, there are dozens of different amps to be found and tons of character progression to sink your teeth into.