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More Story DLC Inbound For Dragon Age: Inquisition

Judging by recent comments made by the studio, BioWare still has plenty of DLC plans left up its sleeves for Dragon Age Inquisition.


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Judging by recent comments made by the studio, BioWare still has plenty of DLC plans left up its sleeves for Dragon Age: Inquisition, especially where story elements are concerned.

The creative director for the title, Mike Laidlaw, has taken to Twitter to reassure fans that there’s still more to come after the mildly disappointing Jaws Of Hakkon add-on was criticized for being too light on story elements, stating “We’re not quite done with story content for DAI just yet”.

The news will be welcome for those disappointed with the game’s DLC offerings so far, and the cliffhanger ending of the vanilla story leaves BioWare with several interesting opportunities as far as the player’s Inquisitor is concerned.

For one, we still have a lot of unanswered questions surrounding the enigmatic Solas, and a story DLC centred around the mysterious elf would be sure to get tongues wagging. Sadly, if you were hoping for BioWare to offer some fan service to those who played Dragon Age: Origins, you’re going to be disappointed. Speaking of that game’s protagonist, Laidlaw said that “I do not feel the HOF [Hero Of Ferelden] would work well as an NPC.”

What are your thoughts on the news, though? Are you excited at the prospect of Dragon Age: Inquisition receiving an expansion to its story, or something else entirely?