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Star Wars Battlefront II Fans Now Petitioning For More Content

Star Wars Battlefront II has been hitting headlines once again as of late, though probably not for the reasons you suspect. Having faced overwhelming criticism upon launch back in 2017 due to the presence of what many considered to be egregious monetization practices, DICE has since managed to salvage the multiplayer shooter's reputation not only by completely revamping how player progression functions, but with a number of free updates. New maps, playable characters, modes and cosmetics (all earnable in-game) have been introduced over the last three years much to the delight of fans who have stuck around throughout, though sadly, all good things must come to an end.

Star Wars Battlefront II

Star Wars Battlefront II has been hitting headlines once again as of late, though probably not for the reasons you suspect.

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Having faced overwhelming criticism upon launch back in 2017 due to the presence of what many considered to be egregious monetization practices, DICE has since managed to salvage the multiplayer shooter’s reputation not only by completely revamping how player progression functions, but with a number of free updates. New maps, playable characters, modes and cosmetics (all earnable in-game) have been introduced over the last three years much to the delight of fans who have stuck around throughout, though sadly, all good things must come to an end.

Earlier this month, the developer confirmed that it would be scaling back the level of post-launch support provided for Battlefront II, with April’s Return to Scarif patch confirmed to be the game’s last content drop. Naturally, many had assumed this was due to all hands being required on deck, so to speak, for an upcoming sequel, hopes that have since been dashed.

That being the case, some fans have taken it upon themselves to start a petition calling for a reversal of the decision which, as of writing, has over 37,000 signatures. A noteworthy figure, for sure, but one that will do little, if anything, to change the current situation, according to DICE’s Ben Walke. Acknowledging the frequent messages notifying him of the petition over on Twitter, Walke says:

You keep posting this to me but I’m not sure what you want me to do with this? The team has seen it, but it’s not our call. I really love that almost 30k of you have signed it, but over 200k signed the alternative petition to this 2.5 years ago. Perspective.

In other words, DICE has little say in regards to what projects it’s given the go-ahead to work on. EA, on the other hand, does, though considering the publisher now appears to be prioritizing single-player Star Wars titles for the future and beyond, such campaigns will undoubtedly fall on deaf ears.

Tell us, though, were you hoping for an eventual sequel to Star Wars Battlefront II, or are you of the belief that story-driven adventures a la Jedi: Fallen Order is the way to go? Let us know in the usual place below!