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Stacking Is Finally Coming To The PC; Revealed In True Double Fine Manner

Stacking is one of my subjects of shame from 2011. I know I should play it. Everyone I’ve talked to who has played it has recommended it. The reviews for it have been fantastic across the board. I just never have sat down at my Xbox or PS3 to actually purchase and play it.

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Stacking is one of my subjects of shame from 2011. I know I should play it. Everyone I’ve talked to who has played it has recommended it. The reviews for it have been fantastic across the board. I just never have sat down at my Xbox or PS3 to actually purchase and play it.

Well, Double Fine has decided to touch upon this hidden secret of mine again and make it a bit harder to refuse. After being awarded as 2011’s “Best Downloadable Game” on X-Play, they announced that Stacking is on its way to the PC.  Nothing has been revealed outside of the fact that it will be coming “soon” and, while that buys me a bit of time, soon enough isn’t soon enough.