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Two Incredible PlayStation 4 Games Are Now Available To Download For Free

Times are tough right now with the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic forcing people to stay indoors and practice social distancing. If there is a silver lining in all of it, however, it's the fact that you now have plenty of time to catch up on all the games you might have not played yet. But now Sony is taking steps to pile even more titles onto your backlog with their new Play at Home initiative, ensuring you've got plenty to do while you ride out this quarantine.

Uncharted 3

Times are tough right now with the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic forcing people to stay indoors and practice social distancing. If there is a silver lining in all of it, however, it’s the fact that you now have plenty of time to catch up on all the games you might have not played yet. But now Sony is taking steps to pile even more titles onto your backlog with their new Play at Home initiative, ensuring you’ve got plenty to do while you ride out this quarantine.

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The company announced yesterday that they would be offering Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection and indie darling Journey free from today, April 15th, until May 15th as one pillar of their new initiative. The move is a clear reward for players staying at home and using their favorite medium to occupy themselves during this harrowing period of history.

But what makes this Play at Home initiative different from Sony’s normal monthly PlayStation Plus offerings? Well, for starters, these two games won’t cancel out this month’s PlayStation Plus titles, meaning that you have access to four games rather than the usual two. Even better, unlike games you receive on PlayStation Plus each month, they’re permanent additions to your PS4 library that you don’t have to have a subscription to download.

Uncharted 3

The second pillar of the Play at Home initiative is a $10 million fund Sony has created to assist independent developers during the pandemic. As of now, however, it’s yet to be seen if there will be additional funding or free games made available as the pandemic continues or if this is a single-month initiative.

In a statement about the program, Sony had this to say:

At Sony Interactive Entertainment, we are privileged to bring this much-needed entertainment. We know this is just one small step and we are thankful to be able to offer this support to our players, our communities, and our partners

To sweeten the deal even further, Uncharted 4: A Thieves End is also one of the games available on PlayStation Plus this month, rounding out Nathan Drake’s core collection for you to play through while you’re stuck at home. So, what are you waiting for? Go download them all now.