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Shantae And The Pirate’s Curse Is Releasing Next Month, Will Be Updated For The New 3DS

You may have heard that the latest in Wayforward's superb Shantae series of platformers is ready for primetime, but what of features that only the New 3DS (coming to the West in 2015) can provide?


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You may have heard that the latest in Wayforward’s superb Shantae series of platformers is ready for primetime, but what of features that only the New 3DS (coming to the West in 2015) can provide?

According to series director Matt Bozon, the company is very excited about what the New 3DS can bring to the table. So much so, in fact, that despite Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse‘s status as a downloadable eShop title, the team working on the game intends to release a patch that will take full advantage of Nintendo’s new hardware. Additionally, Bozon confirmed that it will run at 60fps on all 3DS systems, even with 3D turned on.

We’re really excited about the New 3DS! We have an update for Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse already underway, which will add a ‘quick select’ control scheme, as well as other minor improvements to the game. Look for that to arrive closer to the launch of the New 3DS in the US.

The aforementioned improvements are likely to be conveniences or “quality of life” improvements rather than any sort of visual overhaul. Still, use of the New 3DS’s camera stick and additional triggers would certainly be welcome, not to mention its enhanced 3D viewing capabilities. I don’t know about you, but finding the “sweet spot” for 3D on my current 3DS has become a bit of a drag.

Shantae and the Pirate’s Curse is releasing in October and could appear in the eShop any week now, so keep your eyes peeled.