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Sega Animation Director Says It’s Time For A New Sonic The Hedgehog Show

With the Sonic the Hedgehog feature film just around the corner, it might be a good time for Sega to jump back into the world of TV.

Sonic the Hedgehog

Even though he originally debuted as the world’s fastest hedgehog on the Sega Genesis, Sonic has since made his mark outside of video games. Following his 1991 self-titled outing, the blue blur ventured into comic books, animation and he’s set to make his Hollywood debut in just a few months’ time.

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While the February 2020 film will be sure to make waves (in one way or another), Sonic has been noticeably absent from the small screen for some time. After all, over two years have gone by since Sonic Boom went off the air, and despite its positive reception from fans and critics alike, there’s been no news as to whether or not a new series is in development.

However, it looks like Sega – or rather, their director of animation – thinks that it’s time for another Sonic show. Speaking to ComicBook.com earlier this year, Yukio Kusumoto shed some light on the matter and revealed that there’ve been internal discussions focusing on bringing Sonic back in the form of a new series.

“I think the world is definitely ready for another TV show, and I would love to work on it,” Kusumoto explained. “There are several discussions and this is coming from me personally […] I would love Sonic to continue, so I’ll keep trying to put more stuff out there.”

Personally, we’d love to see the speedy hedgehog and his friends again, though we’re curious what direction the franchise would go in. The self-aware and fourth-wall-breaking humor from Sonic Boom proved to be a hit, though we’d also like to see something new and fresh.

Until then, we’ll have to make do with the upcoming live-action film, which is looking a lot better ever since Sonic himself underwent a rather drastic visual redesign. If you’re not that patient though, you could always take to Netflix, which began streaming the first two seasons of Sonic X earlier this month.

Either way, between the movie, old TV shows and the sizable back catalog of games, there’s plenty of Sonic to enjoy while we patiently wait for a new series.