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SEGA Very Close To Making A VR-Related Announcement, Could It Be Alien: Isolation VR?

SEGA's been keeping a watchful eye over the ever-growing popularity of VR in recent months, with the company "very close" to making an announcement in regards to the technology, according to head of SEGA Europe Jurgen Post.

Alien: Isolation

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SEGA’s been keeping a watchful eye over the ever-growing popularity of VR in recent months, with the company “very close” to making an announcement in regards to the technology, according to head of SEGA Europe Jurgen Post.

In an interview with MCV, Jurgen said that “VR has caught the whole company’s attention,” since it gained traction among consumers, and that they have “a lot of VR kits in the office and people are playing with it.” While the Japanese software giant has yet to make any official announcement in regards to VR-supported titles, there’s a chance that 2014’s terrifying Alien: Isolation is near the front of the queue.

“We did Alien: Isolation about three years ago on Oculus Rift, it was a demo that was bloody scary,” says Post, adding that “to bring that back to VR would be a dream and dreams can come true.”

Well then, if that’s not at least an indication that SEGA is considering full VR support for Alien: Isolation, we don’t know what is. Considering some of the work has been put in by way of the Oculus Rift demo (which, admittedly, was a little big buggy), we could well be seeing a rival to Capcom’s Resident Evil 7 for the title of Scariest VR Game.

We’ll ultimately just have to wait and see what SEGA has up its sleeves, but we shouldn’t have too long to wait. Post says that they’re “very close to making an announcement.”