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Rockstar Games’ Foreboding Max Payne 3 Launch Trailer

With its launch date being just five days away, Rockstar Games has unleashed a rather foreboding launch trailer for Max Payne 3. Created from only in-game footage, the promotional video provides us with brief snippets of gameplay, but primarily focuses its brief run-time on story-related aspects. Max, being his vocal yet subdued self, provides gruff narration.

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With its launch date being just five days away, Rockstar Games has unleashed a rather foreboding launch trailer for Max Payne 3. Created from only in-game footage, the promotional video provides us with brief snippets of gameplay, but primarily focuses its brief run-time on story-related aspects. Max, being his vocal yet subdued self, provides gruff narration.

Max Payne 3 will be released on to consoles on May 15. If you’re like me, then that date has been marked on your calendar for quite a while now.