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Rock Band 4 PC’s Crowd-Funding Campaign Falls Short Of $1.5 Million Goal

Despite the big name backing up its crowd-funding campaign, Harmonix's dreams of releasing Rock Band 4 on PC seem to have been dashed. The campaign - which reached the cut-off date for additional backers earlier today - managed to raise just over half of the required amount of $1.5 million. The pulled in $792,817 with 1,674 backers and, as is the rule for such things, developers looking for help from the public to fund their projects must secure all of the money being asked for to be successful.


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Despite the big name backing up its crowd-funding campaign, Harmonix’s dreams of releasing Rock Band 4 on PC seem to have been dashed. The campaign – which reached the cut-off date for additional backers earlier today – managed to raise just over half of the required amount of $1.5 million. The pulled in $792,817 with 1,674 backers and, as is the rule for such things, developers looking for help from the public to fund their projects must secure all of the money being asked for to be successful.

For now at least, it looks like Rock Band 4 won’t be coming to PC in the immediate future, but the last status update provided by Harmonix yesterday suggests that all might not be lost just yet. The post, published yesterday, reads:

As we enter our final 12 hours, we would like to give a great big “Thank You” to all of our backers and supporters.

We’ll have another update tomorrow after the campaign ends.

Harmonix may have failed in securing the funds for a PC version of Rock Band 4 through this avenue, but there’s clearly demand out there for a non-console version of the rhythm-action title. The Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions released in October last year, and received a warm welcome by critics and fans alike, despite a five-year absence between it and Rock Band 3‘s release back in 2010.

For those of you who were hopeful Rock Band 4 would meet its crowd-funding goal, make sure you check back later for Harmonix’s statement on where they’ll be going next in an effort to see it reach PC.