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Remember Me Lets You Build Your Own Custom Combos

Capcom released a new developer walkthrough video today with Remember Me's creative director Jean-Maxime Moris detailing the game's Combo Lab system, which allows players to create their own combos to use during combat.

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Capcom released a new developer walkthrough video today with Remember Me‘s creative director Jean-Maxime Moris detailing the game’s Combo Lab system, which allows players to create their own combos to use during combat.

At any point during the game players can pause Remember Me to access the Combo Lab and customize their own combos based on four basic Pressens [categories]; Regen (strikes on enemies that regenerate health), Power (hard hitting strikes that end in finishing moves), Cooldown (reduces the cooldown time after using abilities), and Chain (duplicates and doubles the effects of other Pressens).

Dontnod claims that by using different combinations of Pressens players will be able to create “around 50,000” different combos for Nilin to use in combat.

Check out Remember Me‘s Combo Lab developer walkthrough video below, and look for the game to launch in May 2013 for the PS3, Xbox 360, and PC.