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Remember Me Gameplay Trailer Emerges From Gamescom

Remember Me is unlikely to be forgotten after this year's Gamescom. It had already intrigued with its announcement, but now it has truly impressed with over 7 minutes of ingenious gameplay.

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Remember Me is unlikely to be forgotten after this year’s Gamescom. It had already intrigued with its announcement, but now it has truly impressed with over 7 minutes of ingenious gameplay.

Dontnod Entertainment’s third-person action adventure title – which will be published by Capcom in May of next year for the PS3, Xbox 360 and PC – may have initially shown shades of Deus-Ex, but this gameplay trailer adds a few more titles to the mind-bending mix.

There is an element of Assassins Creed within the platforming and a Watch Dogs style approach to viewing and manipulating the world’s infrastructure, all of which coalesces perfectly with the Cyberpunk aesthetic and compelling central concept.

Showing the protagonist Nilin complete one of her assassinations, the trailer displays many rather memorable mechanics. And whilst the flexibility of each ‘solution’ is impossible to discern, the way the mission evolves is rather unexpected and undeniably exciting.

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