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13 Video Games Coming In 2017 That You Won’t Want To Miss

Thank God 2016 is over, eh? Notable video game releases aside, it's better if we move forward and forget the tragedy that was the past twelve months, burying our head in the nearest console and forgetting that the world has gone mad. To help rid our brains of last year's memories, we've compiled a list of 10 video games that you need to start getting excited for this year.

2) Mass Effect: Andromeda

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Platforms: PC, Xbox One, PS4

Release Date: March 21

It’s not all been plain sailing for spacefaring colonists Bioware as they usher the Mass Effect series into the new generation with AndromedaIn fact, four years since Mass Effect 3, it’s a surprise we’re so close to seeing a new installment in the revered franchise, and yet, come March, the world will be back at it, exploring an entirely new universe.

Promotional footage of Andromeda has been sparse (and dare we say it – underwhelming?). There’s been a slow drip-feed of content, but the inevitable flood has yet to surge through the sluice gates, and that might be a bad sign. Bioware has a proven track record but with a new director on board and rumblings of discontent within the bowels of the company, Andromeda is by no means a home run.

One’s thing for sure though: come March 21, millions upon millions will be settling down to play it. On that front, it’s just about the biggest release of the year.