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13 Video Games Coming In 2017 That You Won’t Want To Miss

Thank God 2016 is over, eh? Notable video game releases aside, it's better if we move forward and forget the tragedy that was the past twelve months, burying our head in the nearest console and forgetting that the world has gone mad. To help rid our brains of last year's memories, we've compiled a list of 10 video games that you need to start getting excited for this year.


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Thank God 2016 is over, eh? Notable video game releases aside, it’s better if we move forward and forget the tragedy that was the past twelve months, burying our head in the nearest console and forgetting that the world has gone mad. To help rid our brains of last year’s memories, we’ve compiled a list of 10 video games that you need to start getting excited for this year.

To be eligible, these titles need to have a surefire chance of arriving in 2017. That means there’s no room for Star Citizen or God of War.  Of course, in the rapidly-changing world of video games, this list could look very different in six months from now, as new games are announced that deserve to be added to the list – Half-Life 3, anyone? – but for now, this is what we’ve come up with.

From more Mass Effect to a highly-anticipated sequel from a little studio called Rockstar Games, these are 13 releases that you’re absolutely not going to want to miss out on this year. Trust us!