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Quantum Break Manipulates Time And Space In E3 2013 Trailer

Remedy Entertainment's next-gen title Quantum Break received a brand new trailer today at Microsoft's E3 Press Conference that proved it's definitely a title worth paying attention to.

Quantum Break

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Remedy Entertainment’s next-gen title, Quantum Break, received a brand new trailer today at Microsoft’s E3 Press Conference that proved it’s definitely a title worth paying attention to.

The trailer shows off the game’s impressive manipulation of time and space. From what we gather, a scientific experiment gone wrong has fractured and distorted the elements of time. Based off of the new trailer it would appear that the mysterious character Jack has uncovered a way to control the manipulation of time for a limited duration.

Interestingly, the game’s manipulation of time and space seems to be something that the team is hoping to explore directly in reality. Quantum Break is self-proclaimed to be a revolutionary experience unlike anything you’ve ever seen before. The goal is to create a new form of storytelling that implements your decisions in game to create your own personal TV show. These decisions will directly impact the ongoing show by the decisions made within the game. Remedy will be delivering the game and TV show through a series of episodic narratives that coincide together.

[springboard type=”video” id=”738613″ player=”wgtc007″ width=”600″ height=”350″ ]

What do you think of Quantum Break? Is Remedy Entertainment preparing to revolutionize the way you experience gaming and television? Be sure to give us your thoughts in the comments below.