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Quantic Dream’s PS4 Exclusive May Be A Sequel To Indigo Prophecy

French developer Quantic Dream is busy toiling away on an all-new PlayStation 4 game, that much we're aware of, but a teaser site has suggested that this current-gen title could be a sequel to the studio's PS2 thriller, Indigo Prophecy (otherwise known as Fahrenheit).

Indigo Prophecy

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French developer Quantic Dream is busy toiling away on an all-new PlayStation 4 game, that much we’re aware of, but a teaser site has suggested that this current-gen title could be a sequel to the studio’s PS2 thriller, Indigo Prophecy (otherwise known as Fahrenheit).

Going off of the image embedded on the site, Quantic is prepping to reveal more about the nebulous title in 7 days time. Honing the same graphic, spine-chilling calligraphy as Indigo Prophecy, the teaser picture is the only asset included on the website; a website that just so happens to be registered under the domain achillingfeeling.com. Intriguingly, at the time of its release back in 2005, Prophecy‘s tagline was “Guilt is a Chilling Feeling.” So, let the speculation commence.

Those of you who have played Indigo Prophecy almost ten years ago will know that the interactive, supernatural-themed drama started its peculiar murder mystery on a cold and dark night New York City — not to mention the excellent split-screen opening.  It’ll be interesting to see whether Quantic Dream is preparing to unveil a sequel to the title or, in keeping with the industry’s favorite new trend, announce a HD remaster.

On the flip side, the studio could simply be gearing up to officially unveil the long-rumored port of Beyond: Two Souls to PlayStation 4, though we’re holding out hope that the announcement proves to be much more exciting than that.

We’ve included an image of Indigo Prophecy‘s box art below for comparison. But what do you think Quantic Dream is teasing? Indeed would you like to see another chapter in the story of Lucas Kane? One way or another, it seems that all will be revealed in 7 days time.
