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Quantic Dream Announces Beyond For PS3

Sony kicked off its E3 conference with game designer David Cage coming out and revealing the next title from developer Quantic Dream, the creators of Heavy Rain and Indigo Prophecy - a new IP called Beyond.

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Sony kicked off its E3 conference with game designer David Cage coming out and revealing the next title from developer Quantic Dream, the creators of Heavy Rain and Indigo Prophecy – a new IP called Beyond.

The game will span over 15 years of the life of a girl named Jody, who has connections to another world. Jody will be portrayed by actress Ellen Page of Juno and Inception fame.

Cage showed some ingame footage of an officer who found Jody on the road attempting to speak to her with little success. A SWAT team than bursts into the police headquarters and surround the room she’s in.

A montage of quick action scenes followed, showing explosions, close-quarters combat and Jody threatening one of the officers to leave her alone or she will kill them.

There was no release date given for the game during the presentation, but what was shown looks intriguing.

We will keep you updated as more on Beyond becomes available.