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PlayStation 4 Sales Break Past 30 Million After Two Years On The Market

Retaining its status as the fastest-selling hardware in Sony's history, the Japanese platform holder today announced that the PlayStation 4 has now broke past 30 million units sold in little over two years on the market.


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Retaining its status as the fastest-selling hardware in Sony’s history, the Japanese platform holder today announced that the PlayStation 4 has now broke past 30 million units sold in little over two years on the market.

First released back in November, 2013, Sony noted that, as of November 22, approximately 30.2 million PS4s have been sold through to consumers across 124 countries worldwide. Such a pace means that the company’s flagship system is still outpacing the PS2, which took two years and three months to reach 30.02 million units back in 2002.

In response to the impressive momentum, President and CEO of Sony Computer Entertainment Andrew House acknowledged the record-breaking figures, all the while laying out a mission statement to ensure that SCE continues “to expand the world of PS4 to deliver entertainment experiences that are only possible on PlayStation.”

We are sincerely grateful that gamers across the globe have continued to choose PS4 as the best place to play since launch two years ago. We are committed to bringing engaging games and entertainment services to users worldwide. Thanks to the support of our partners, PS4 continues to be the premier platform for game and interactive entertainment innovation.

Lifetime sales of the PlayStation 4 are now simmering north of 30 million units, but do you think that Sony’s flagship console has the mileage to reach PlayStation 2’s eye-watering total of 155 million units?