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Here’s Why The Technomancer Is An Underappreciated Mid-Tier RPG Gem

As budgets of triple-A titles spiral out of control, mid-tier budget games have sadly somewhat fallen by the wayside; there is now a vast rift between independently-developed games and triple-A titles with little room for games that fall in between these categories. The truth is, the market has changed. Games that cannot be made on an indie-sized budget, yet don’t have the sales power of triple-A blockbusters to make a hefty profit, are sadly trapped in the middle ground, in limbo.

1) Its Narrative Is Rich And Intelligent

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Spiders have done a great job building an intelligent narrative that draws upon science fiction authors such as Frank Herbert, George Orwell and Aldous Huxley. The game is narratively rich with complex themes that deal with human survival, evolution, cybernetic augmentation and the problematic intersection of religion, politics and power.

The very currency within the game is the life-force of living beings; every time you defeat an enemy they are simply knocked unconscious and it is up to you whether you want to kill them in order to extract more dollar from them, or alternatively, let them live to fight another day. It’s a game with a unique voice and vision that is unfortunately let down by some subpar voice acting. Nonetheless, if you can see past the hit-and-miss voice work, there is a very powerful story to be discovered that is steeped in thought-provoking social allegory and political injustice.