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No Man’s Sky File Size Weighs In At A Surprisingly Small 6GB; First Update In The Works

Following the relieving news last week that No Man’s Sky has finally gone gold, Hello Games’ Sean Murray has been chatting away on Twitter with the game’s fans, confirming that the spacefaring PlayStation 4 and PC title has passed certification with flying colors in Europe, the US and Asia, as well as revealing that its file size weighs in at a surprisingly small 6GB.

Touting a “universe-sized sandbox” that’s “full of choices,” Hello Games co-founder Sean Murray graced Sony’s press conference with another galaxy-hopping demo for the ambitious No Man’s Sky. As with every showing of the game, the promise of its mind-boggling scope is offset by lingering questions about what players will actually be doing while occupying it. Even if it does end up being just an incredibly huge, very pretty space sim, No Man’s Sky should have no problem attracting players eager to explore its virtually endless environments.
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Following the relieving news last week that No Man’s Sky has finally gone gold, Hello Games’ Sean Murray has been chatting away on Twitter with the game’s fans, confirming that the spacefaring PlayStation 4 and PC title has passed certification with flying colors in Europe, the US and Asia, as well as revealing that its file size weighs in at a surprisingly small 6GB.

For those asking – size of No Man’s Sky on disc is just 6GB. A lot of that is audio

RC1 on the disc means Release Candidate 1. We passed cert first time in EU, US and Asia, currently here working on Japanese submission

You’d be forgiven for thinking Mr. Murray and the rest of the development team finally had enough time to put their feet up now that development has reached an end, but the contrary seems to be true – they’re already working on an “Update 1.”

Well, waiting for a build to upload really. Actually we’re already busy on Update 1.

Murray doesn’t specify what exactly the update entails, or whether it will be available on release day, but it’s likely to be a patch rather than additional content.

No Man’s Sky will make contact with both aforementioned platforms on August 9, putting an end to the immeasurable amount of excitement that’s been growing around it in the years since being revealed in 2013. Can it live up the hype? We’ll know for sure in less than a month.