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6 Big Questions We Have About The Nintendo Switch

We’ve waited for what's seemed like an eternity and now we've finally got our answers about the Nintendo NX. Well, some of them anyway. The Nintendo Switch, as it's been named, is the hybrid device we hoped it would be, a home console experience on the big screen that can be transformed into a slick mobile unit for handheld gaming on the go.

Those Detachable Controllers

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We’re stoked about the idea of being able to turn a solo handheld unit into a local multiplayer device, but can those controllers really work as advertised? Seriously, they look minuscule and you can almost already hear your friends complaining about a disadvantage while playing Smash Bros. or Mario Kart.

At first glance, it’s a snazzy addition to a pretty slick looking unit altogether, but we’re dying to know whether it’s more gimmick than a truly functional gamepad. Would anybody really want to play with what looks like a micro NES controller with an analog stick? Nintendo clearly thinks it’s a winner based on the amount of video footage they spent showcasing it, which in itself is slightly concerning.

Reassuring gamers that the Switch is a capable home console and then dedicating 60% of the reveal trailer to demonstrating a detachable controller suggests that Nintendo is trying to push this feature as a big USP, when it really ought to be a sideshow to the hybrid features.