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5 Games That Make Me Want A Playstation 4/Xbox One

I will tell you this right now. Buying a next generation console when it first comes out is a stupid, fanboy move. The first batch of next generation systems are always pretty much the beta run, even if no one wants to admit it. For proof of this, look to the millions of Xbox 360 users who got the red ring of death. That shit is unforgivable. It really is. You shouldn't fork over hundreds of dollars for something that may very well die on you. The smartest of us wait until the first few bugs have been discovered and worked out.

[h2]Deep Down[/h2]


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Okay, stop what you are doing and just look at this fucking game.

That, my friends, is what next-gen gaming should look like.

I mean, I know getting caught up in graphics is kind of foolish, but then again, aren’t we allowed to? This is art, and it is a medium being pushed further and further before our very eyes. It would only be asinine of us not to observe that.

Deep Down makes me stop in my tracks and drool. It makes me marvel at just how far we have come since I was playing Venture on ColecoVision. This, my friends, is the new age of gaming.

The funny thing is, I know next to nothing about the game. I know Capcom is developing it (I am sorry, but post RE6, that doesn’t bring the same buzz it once did), and I know it is a free-to-play online game. Basically, a dungeon crawler for the new age. But I am a simple man, raised on simple things. What truly compels me about this game is the creature design.

For years, we have seen the same basic creatures, remade over and over again. We have fought bears and wolves and demons and dragons and trolls and spiders and wizards and werewolves. While those things are cool, they’ve grown old. It looks like Deep Down knows this, and throws us some truly unique and terrifying looking creatures our way. Original creature design is something that really awes me in this day and age, and I am hoping Deep Down will spur a new generation of creatures and beasties for us to slay in the virtual gaming world.

On top of that, I am shallow, and I am a nerd. So give me something that looks REALLY good and has fantasy elements in it, and I am there. That, my friends, is Deep Down in a nutshell.

Honorable Mentions:

  • Killzone: Shadow Fall: I will admit, Killzone titles NEVER live up to their hype, so I am eyeing this one suspiciously.
  • Quantum Break: Episodic TV meets video games? Intrigued, but sensing a sort of flashback to FMV gaming. Think this one may end up missing the mark, big time.

Tell us, which next-gen games are YOU most pumped for? Take to the comments and let us know which titles are forcing your hand to buy an Xbox One and/or PlayStation 4.