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New Trailer Proves That Far Cry 4’s Villain Is A Chilling Megalomaniac

Ubisoft kick-started its E3 2014 press conference in nihilistic style with the first CG trailer for one of the most anticipated titles of the year, Far Cry 4.


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“We’ll give you a passport. Some cash. A gun… And after that… well, you’re fucked.”

Ubisoft kick-started its E3 2014 press conference in nihilistic style with the first CG trailer for one of the most anticipated titles of the year, Far Cry 4.

Introducing us to the game’s exotic Himalayan setting, the renowned publisher opened its media briefing with five minutes pulled from the opening cutscene. Pinned down by gunfire, we witness the protagonist saved at the very last second by the Far Cry 4‘s overarching antagonist (voiced by Troy Baker, no less) who our main character seems to know from a long time ago, according to their brief interaction. Will you be forced to work with him? Could you be in for the ride at your own will? Time will tell.

Either way, Far Cry 4 appears to exude a sense of depth and place made possible by the excellent voice acting and attention to detail. And for those who feared Brody would make a comeback — the traveller-turned-mass murderer from Far Cry 3 —  you can rest easy. He doesn’t appear in the footage that was showcased during the showcase.

Far Cry 4 is poised to whisk players to the Himalayas across PS3, PS4, Xbox One, Xbox 360 and PC on November 18th, 2014. To whet you appetite for the next instalment in Ubisoft’s open-world shooter, you can check out the trailer in full below.