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Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst Is Official, DICE Claims Faith’s Next Outing “Is Not A Sequel”

Hot on the crimson heels of last week's leak, EA and DICE have officially confirmed the existence of Mirror's Edge: Catalyst, though the latter company hinted that Faith's next wall-scaling adventure is "not a sequel."


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Hot on the crimson heels of last week’s leak, EA and DICE have officially confirmed the existence of Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst, though the latter company hinted that Faith’s next wall-scaling adventure is “not a sequel.”

In an announcement through the game’s official site, Senior Producer Sara Jansson offered up some early details about the continuation, how it’s taking cues from the cult 2008 original, and why you should refrain from calling it Mirror’s Edge 2.

“The first game had a lot of promise,” Jansson said. “It was unlike anything else in terms of the gameplay and style — it had a unique soul. But as much as we loved that game, we knew it could be more. So that’s what we have set out to do as we introduce Mirror’s Edge to a new generation.

“The team has spent a lot of time re-evaluating every aspect of the game and making it a new experience. This is not a sequel, this is not Mirror’s Edge 2. We have landed on a vision that honors the first game — pushing the boundaries of first person movement and diving deeper into the story behind our heroine Faith — but also brings a lot of great new, interesting gameplay and features to the experience for our players.”

Alongside today’s confirmation, Jansson noted that the pseudo-sequel will be revealed in earnest during EA’s presentation at E3 next week. Hopefully then we’ll learn much more about the direction that DICE is steering the series, and some visceral first-person gameplay just for good measure.

If EA’s content schedule is to be believed, Mirror’s Edge: Catalyst will parkour its way onto PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC in the early stages of 2016.