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Six And A Half Minutes Of Medal Of Honor: Warfighter Gameplay Straight From E3

This October, Electronic Arts' digitally-created Tier-1 operatives will mark their second deployment with Medal of Honor: Warfighter. A sequel to the series' self-titled release from 2010, it will feature missions which have a direct correlation to real-life conflicts, aiming to offer first-person shooter fans a visceral experience that they'll remember for years to come.

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This October, Electronic Arts‘ digitally-created Tier-1 operatives will mark their second deployment with Medal of Honor: Warfighter. A sequel to the series’ self-titled release from 2010, it will feature missions which have a direct correlation to real-life conflicts, aiming to offer first-person shooter fans a visceral experience that they’ll remember for years to come.

During the publisher’s E3 2012 press conference on Monday night, developer Danger Close took to the stage to present a six and a half minute-long demo of the game. What they showed was part of a mission set in Somalia’s Pirate Town, an unlawful and incredibly dangerous place that lacks both a charter of rights and a general governing body. Needless to say, those scary factoids lead the way for some incredibly tense action sequences, including a water-based infiltration attempt that went more than slightly wrong.

Take a look for yourself:

Medal of Honor: Warfighter is scheduled to deploy on October 23, 2012.