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Mighty No. 9 Official Site Is Live, Backers Can Now Discuss Amongst Themselves

Keiji Inafune's Mighty No. 9 looks awesome, but that's old news. What we really want to know is, how is progress on the game coming? With its crowdfunding campaign long-since completed, using the Kicktsarter blog as the main way of releasing news made less and less sense with each passing day. Well, it appears that now the solution is here. The game has an official website, official forums, and official looking official-ness spread across its currently-few pages. At least things feel more real now on the tail end of a ridiculously successful Kickstarter blitz.

mighty team_0

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Keiji Inafune’s Mighty No. 9 looks awesome, but that’s old news. What we really want to know is, how is progress on the game coming? With its crowdfunding campaign long-since completed, using the Kicktsarter blog as the main way of releasing news made less and less sense with each passing day. Well, it appears that now the solution is here. The game has an official website, official forums, and official looking official-ness spread across its currently-few pages. At least things feel more real now on the tail end of a ridiculously successful Kickstarter blitz.

The site is pretty bare as it is, but it will provide a place for fellow Kickstarter backers to chat and discuss the game, MegaMan, or whatever else they feel the urge to talk about. It’s not clear when the forums will open to the public, but given that game’s Kickstarter numbers, I’m sure there will be more than enough folks available for rousing discussion day-in and day-out.

The site does have some pretty interesting info about the game for people who haven’t been following its progress religiously (I’m sure none of it will be new to many Kickstarter donors), including a description of the game’s world and setting, and some talk about plot and an explanation of just what exactly “Mighty Numbers” even are. I’ve been only partially keeping tabs since the Kickstarter concluded, so I look forward to devouring this info as soon as I have a free minute or two.

And then of course, there’s a picture of the developers. Aww, they all look so happy! The game’s not done yet, but thanks to them in advance for everything they’ve toiled away at thus far.

Mighty No. 9 is slated for release in April 2014 on pretty much every console imaginable (even Wii U!), so bookmark the site and keep your eyes peeled for new info as Spring draws closer.