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30 Years Of Samus: Ranking The Metroid Games

Metroid is one of the few gaming series that have been able to not only succeed in both 2D and 3D, but have undeniable classics in both dimensions. Many consider Super Metroid to be the apex of 2D gaming, and the Metroid Prime series is considered to be some of the greatest first-person shooters ever made. It's truly amazing how Nintendo has been able to reinvent its franchise over time and make it stay relevant in an ever changing gaming landscape.

Metroid Games Ranked

2) Metroid Prime

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There wasn’t a Metroid game on the Nintendo 64 for one simple reason — how could the series even work in a 3D space? Unlike Zelda or Mario, there didn’t seem to be an intuitive way to translate the gameplay to three dimensions, making it seem like the beloved franchise was going to stay relegated to handhelds. Thankfully, that wasn’t the case — Retro Studios did the unthinkable, absolutely nailing the Metroid formula while transposing it into the first-person shooter genre.


Metroid Prime was the result of that work, and it was an eye-opening experience back in 2002, feeling like a natural evolution of its 2D predecessors. It brings the space setting to life as Samus explores gorgeous planets, and it’s responsible for adding some things that are now recognized as series staples — such as the ability to scan objects. Retro really couldn’t have done a better job bringing Metroid to 3D gaming, and the series owes its resurgence to them.