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9 Things We Want to See In Mass Effect: Andromeda

The latest installment in BioWare's space-exploration series, Mass Effect: Andromeda, is right around the corner, and here's what we want to see in it.

5) Exploration

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You were supposed to be a galactic explorer in the Mass Effect trilogy, but what you were really exploring was a big 2D map and a series of linear 3D levels stitched together by the same needlework. In Andromeda, it’s time to be set free — I want to explore! And with a jetpack and a camera that canvases a wider arc, I sense that BioWare feels the same way.


Whether it’ll involve Witcher levels of exploration remains to be seen, but here’s hoping that we get a sandbox to nosey around each and every time our ship lands on a new rock. After all, the beauty of these games is often the emergent moments discovering an oddity off the beaten track, and in Andromeda, there should be a legion of small moments lying in wait.