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9 Things We Want to See In Mass Effect: Andromeda

The latest installment in BioWare's space-exploration series, Mass Effect: Andromeda, is right around the corner, and here's what we want to see in it.

9) DLC Of Value

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I’m not a fan of DLC at the best of times, but I understand it’s a necessary component of the commercial process. Games are expensive to make, and if you’re going to eke out value from your customer base, why not prolong the experience as much as possible?

But fan service needs weight to it, and dare I say it, BioWare should ape the model CD Projekt Red established with Witcher 3: two DLC packs that offered a ton of gameplay for a very good price. Lair of the Shadow Broker was a decent effort, and an illustration of DLC done well. My only fear is that we’ll get a 2-hour jaunt through recycled locations with a new weapon or two. Give me more meat and I’ll be happy.