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Marvel’s Avengers Reveals New Outfit For The Hulk

Marvel's Avengers isn't due out for a while yet, but that hasn't stopped Marvel and Square Enix from introducing the game's iconic cast to fans and newcomers alike. Using a new series of character spotlight videos to do so, developer Crystal Dynamics takes a deep dive into its design process for each superhero, their abilities and, of course, some of the snazzy alternate outfits gamers will have the ability to earn through play.

Marvel's Avengers

Marvel’s Avengers isn’t due out for a while yet, but that hasn’t stopped Marvel and Square Enix from introducing the game’s iconic cast to fans and newcomers alike. Using a new series of character spotlight videos to do so, developer Crystal Dynamics takes a deep dive into its design process for each superhero, their abilities and, of course, some of the snazzy alternate outfits gamers will have the ability to earn through play.

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We’ve already been privy to one such unlockable skin for Captain America via last week’s teaser and now, it’s Hulk’s time to shine. You wouldn’t think it, what with his preference for going into battle bare-chested, but Bruce Banner’s alter-ego scrubs up quite well when given half the chance. And so without further ado, feast your eyes on this snazzy number.

As per the teaser above, this well-ironed pinstripe suit is called ‘Joe Fixit’ and is inspired by a comic book story arc from The Incredible Hulk #347, published in 1962. As per Marvel’s description:

One of the coolest cats around was Banner’s alter-alter-ego, Joe Fixit. The grey Hulk traded scruples for extra intelligence, giving him the will and the way to act outside the moral boundaries of both Bruce and The Hulk. No one can argue against his superior fashion sense, as illustrated in the stylish pinstripe suit with sharp fedora and sleek saddle shoes.

A welcome addition to Hulk’s limited wardrobe then, but don’t be surprised to see the character receive fewer options than his comrades in the full game. According to Crystal Dynamics’ Tore Blystad, the Marvel’s Avengers team faced a unique challenge with Hulk’s design for obvious reasons. “In order to bring something unique to a character with a narrow aesthetic range to draw from, the focus was instead on Hulk’s build,” says Blystad, implying that future cosmetics for the Green Giant could include changes to his physique rather than his dress sense. An Abomination or Red Hulk alternate skin, perhaps? Fingers crossed!

Marvel’s Avengers is out May 15th, 2020, for Xbox One, PlayStation 4, PC and Google Stadia.