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Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite Marks The Start Of Capcom’s Plans To Revive Sidelined Franchises

Fighting game enthusiasts will no doubt be ecstatic following Capcom's announcement of Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite last weekend, but the publisher's revival of the dormant beat 'em up series is just the start of a new direction for the company. In a press release (via IGN) dispatched earlier today, Capcom said that, "In addition to regular major title releases each fiscal year, Capcom is currently focused on reviving series that have not had new entries recently, or otherwise dormant IP."

Fighting game enthusiasts will no doubt be ecstatic following Capcom’s announcement of Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite last weekend, but the publisher’s revival of the dormant beat ’em up series is just the start of a new direction for the company. In a press release (via IGN) dispatched earlier today, Capcom said that “in addition to regular major title releases each fiscal year, Capcom is currently focused on reviving series that have not had new entries recently, or otherwise dormant IP.”

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Normally, we’d have no trouble sussing out what inert franchises would be first in line to get a much-needed jolt from a defibrillator, but owing to the fact that Capcom’s back catalogue is so vast, it’s not as easy as you’d think. Viewtiful Joe, Power Stone, Mega Man, Dragon’s Dogma and even the Devil May Cry franchise have all gone years without a proper sequel, so there’s several different potential jumping off points.

“Beginning with MARVEL VS. CAPCOM: INFINITE, a return for the series following a five-year hiatus, Capcom looks to enhance its corporate value even further by utilizing its library of rich contents,” continues Capcom, which sadly doesn’t give too much away as to which series is at the front of the queue.

Of course, these revivals will launch alongside Capcom’s usual fiscal releases like Resident Evil and Dead risingso how big a budget any of the unannounced titles will have remains to be seen. With both Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite and Resident Evil 7 already confirmed to release next year, 2o17 could well be the biggest one yet for the publisher.

Tell us, what long-dormant Capcom franchise are you hoping to be given a new lease of life in the near future? Let us know in the comments section below!