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8 DLC Characters We’d Love To See In Marvel Vs. Capcom: Infinite

Is Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite essentially just one big popularity contest? As of writing, we're still a ways off from knowing the full roster (leaks aren't always 100 percent accurate, after all), so it's too early to make a final judgment, but so far, that certainly appears to be the case.

1) Legion

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Wolverine, Cyclops, Storm, Magneto: those names have become synonymous with the Marvel vs. Capcom franchise since its inception. In fact, before the stage of battle was opened up to any and all characters from both sides, gaming’s most memorable mashing of worlds began life on a much smaller scale.

X-Men vs. Street Fighter was what kickstarted the series’ success back in the late 90s, so it’s hardly surprising that a total lack (so far) of the former for 2017’s installment has left longtime fans feeling mildly betrayed. Despite what we’ve been led to believe by leaks and the sort, those in charge believe that the Mutant fad peaked long ago, and that most people have long since forgotten about Xavier’s gifted disciples.

The more likely and straightforward explanation, of course, is that Marvel wants to distance itself from the X-Men due to not owning the film rights, but why let that get in the way of an entirely separate form of entertainment? At the very least, give us a token representative for the series. Legion is my top choice to fill the role. The mentally unstable antihero not only ticks the box of being current (the TV series has proven to be spectacular), but he’s arguably the strongest mutant out there. What better way to represent your race?

Do I think there’s a cat in hell’s chance of Xavier’s son making it into Infinite? Not in the slightest, but a man can dream, right?