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Link’s ages in each ‘Legend of Zelda’ game

Is it rude to ask the hero of time how old he is?

Link - Tears of the Kingdom
Image via Nintendo/Youtube

The Legend of Zelda franchise has been providing core memories for gamers for nearly 40 years now. But despite the longevity of the series, we still know so little about the game’s own protagonist. This is partly because Link is a completely silent protagonist. As such, it’s hard to provide players with much information about the characters backstory. We know that Link likes to sleep a lot, and that’s about it. In fact, we’re not even told his age! So just how old is he in each game? 

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Finding out such information about the main protagonist of the series requires gamers to turn to outside sources for information about Link. I wanted to know just how old Link is supposed to be in each game; from his fist adventure in 1986 all the way up until his most recent in Tears of the Kingdom, so here’s what I found.

The Sky and Force Era

Image via Nintendo

Skyward Sword

Set during the earliest point in the timeline, we’ll start here and branch out into the other timelines when we reach them. The developers for Skyward Sword decided to keep the more mature Link so he’s likely supposed to be the same age. In fact, Ryuji Kobayashi who’s worked on The Legend of Zelda and Animal Crossing confirmed that the character is supposed to be 17 during the events of the game.

The Minnish Cap

A new incarnation of Link set during the Force Era of the timeline. Placing his age in this game is difficult, we know that he is definitely a child as only children can see the Picori, but that doesn’t clear up much. What counts as a child in Hyrule? Is it anything up until 18? Because if that’s the case then that’s a pretty wide scope to estimate our heroes age in this game. Most estimates place him at around 12-13.

Four Swords

This game takes place after the events of The Minnish Cap but following a different Link, this game continues the fight against Vaati. Yet again, there are few indications as to the hero’s age so most have estimated it to be about the same as the Link from that game.

Ocarina of Time

Yet again there is not much to confirm the age of Link in the Ocarina of Time. However, in an interview with Shigeru Miyamoto himself, the manager at Nintendo confirmed that Link is nine years old in the first portion of the game and then, after the time jump, we go seven years into the future making Link 16 in the second portion.

The Hero is Defeated Timeline

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
Image via Nintendo

A Link to the Past introduces us to a new Link, possibly around the same age he was in Zelda II. That being said, we’re never given a specific age for him in the SNES game. Nintendo has never specified exactly how old he is in this game although he lives with his uncle, suggesting that he is definitely still a minor. We do know that Zelda is 16 in the game as a quote from old Nintendo character reference guides confirms, In almost every iteration of these characters, both are always around the same age, so we can probably safely say that Link is about 16 too.

The Oracle of Ages/Seasons

After the events of A link to the Past the same Link finds himself in the land of Holodrum, however, once again, Nintendo haven’t given a specific age for the hero in this story and we don’t know just how much time has passed between this adventure and his last.

This incarnation of the hero has one final adventure in Link’s Awakening (if we’re going by the Hyrule Historia and fan speculation). Most estimates place him at around 17, which makes sense if he was about 16 in A Link to the Past. It follows on straight after the Oracle games (or at least that is what is implied at the end of those games) so we can say he’s the same age as before.

Link in The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom
Image via Nintendo

We’re finally at the point in the timeline in which the original games come into it. Whilst most sources struggle to determine Link’s age in the first game, he is confirmed to be 16 in The Adventure of Link. The Hyrule Historia confirms his age and also tells us that the events of the second game take place roughly six years after the first. Using some quick math we can determine the Link must be around 9 or 10 in the original game.

We also have A Link Between Worlds which although it’s not the same Link, it is pretty much a remake of A Link to the Past so we’ll put his age at about the same as that game, about 16.

The Child Timeline

The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
Image via Nintendo

Majora’s Mask

Majora’s Mask continues Link’s story from Ocarina; after he goes back to the child timeline. However, determining his age in this game is tricky as we have now way of knowing how much time has actually passed. Whilst he’s undoubtedly grown stronger, (he’s able to lift his Hylian shield in this one) we just don’t know his age. It’s pretty safe to assume that he is older than nine years old though.

Twilight Princess

One of the darkest Zelda titles, the hero of time is aged up appropriately for this adventure. The official game guide for Twilight Princess and Enterplay’s trading cards cite Link’s age in this game as 17. Although the project manager of the Zelda franchise, Eiji Aonuma stated his age as 16. There’s not much difference but we’re going with the official sources that list it as 17.

Four Swords Adventures

This game sees a new version of Link wield the Four Sword long after the events of the Minnish Cap and the original Four Swords. Although Link is likely the same age as the heroes of both those games, so about 12-13.

The Adult Timeline

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker
Image via Nintendo

Wind Waker

At the beginning of the Wind Waker it’s explained to the player that the boys on Outset island don a green tunic on the day they reach the age of the hero of time from Ocarina of Time. Link was nine in that game so that would make Wind Waker Link nine as well right? Well, when you consider the fact that Link from Ocarina was only recognised as such when he traveled to the future and defeated Ganon at the age of 16 that would mean this game’s Link is 16. But look at him! He definitely does not look 16 in this game, but then the cute art style could in part hide the new hero’s age somewhat. So is Link nine, 16, or something in between? Some sources have cited his age as 12, which is about the age he looks and acts, although none of these claims have been confirmed as canon.

The Phantom Hourglass

The Phantom Hourglass continues with the same Link from Wind Waker only one year later. So rather than guesstimating his age to be nine to 16 it’s now probably between ten and 17. If we’re assuming Link in the previous game was 12 at the time then he would be 13 in this game.

Spirit Tracks

This Zelda title gives us a new descendant of the hero of time. This Link has been estimated to be the same age as his predecessor from the last two games. Whatever that age was supposed to be (we’re still not sure).

Outside of these Timelines

Image via Nintendo

Breath of the Wild

The only game in the entire series that gives us an actual answer to this question. In a flashback during the game it’s revealed that Zelda is 17 years of age. It is also said that Link is the same age as Zelda. Therefore we have a solid in game confirmation of his age. Although it’s not that simple. Whilst, yes, he has the body and memories of a 17 year old, he’s been comatose for 100 years, so technically speaking, he is 117 years old. At least he looks pretty good for his age.

Tears of the Kingdom

Judging by the changes seen to many of Link’s companions, such as Prince Sidon and Riju the Gerudo chief it’s safe to say some time has passed. The landscape of Hyrule has changed a whole lot too. It must have been quite a few years between the events of this game and the last. If Link was 17 in the last game we can estimate him to be in his early 20’s now, or 120’s if you really do want to count the 100 years he was asleep for.

The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Trailer
Image via Nintendo

So there you have it, Link’s age, or a rough estimate of his age, in every single Zelda title. It’s been tough to find the answers to some of these questions. Especially when Nintendo contradicts its own continuity with the characters and timelines. In all likelihood this will all change with the very next Zelda title as Nintendo will probably undermine all of its own lore and continuity once again. 

In many of the earlier games Link was depicted as very young with most iterations being about nine or ten. However, many of the latest titles have seen Link in his late teens and the newest game sees the oldest version of the hero of time yet. In a way, it almost feels like Link has aged with the fanbase. The journey we’ve all been on with the many different iterations of the character has been a wild adventure so far and it’s exciting to think about where the story of Hyrule and Link will take us next.