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Let Your Imagination Run Wild With Nintendo’s Mario Maker For Wii U

It seems Nintendo is channeling a bit of the inspiration that brought us Mario Paint all those years ago with their new Wii U title, Mario Maker. The game will allow you to create your own custom Super Mario levels, and even play them in the original and New Super Mario Bros. graphic style. Pretty cool, eh?

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It seems Nintendo is channeling a bit of the inspiration that brought us Mario Paint all those years ago with their new Wii U title, Mario Maker. The game will allow you to create your own custom Super Mario levels, and even play them in the original and New Super Mario Bros. graphic style. Pretty cool, eh?

During Nintendo’s Twitch stream, the company confirmed that the game will utilize the original Mario’s physics in both graphic modes, though it’s unclear yet whether or not you’ll be able to use the graphics of any other Mario title.

Currently, only one background has been shown for Mario Maker, the simple grassy planes. However, according to the Big N, you’ll be given full control of every little detail in the stage. The Wii U’s pad will allow you to edit the stage to your liking, placing down items like the classic pipes and coins as well as enemies and power-ups. There’s still no information on the price just yet, but for the more creative types this’ll be a blast either way.

The game also includes several callbacks to the original Mario Paint, including old icons and the classical “congratulations” hands from the Fly Swatter mini-game. The entire project seems to be heavily inspired by the old SNES title, but with the added spin of Mario’s original gameplay.

Whether you want to make a fun course or a complete platforming nightmare, it seems that Mario Maker will give you all the tools you could possibly want.

Mario Maker is currently slated for a 2015 release, and will be a downloadable title from the Nintendo E-Shop for the Wii U. No confirmation of a 3DS release yet, but we will keep you posted.