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Learn About No Man’s Sky Intricate Economy – And How To Get Ahead – With New Video

Continuing on their month-long coverage of Hello Games' space sim, IGN has uploaded a video interview with the studio's lead designer Sean Murray who delves into the finer details of the intricate, dynamic economy within No Man's Sky.

Continuing on their month-long coverage of Hello Games’ space sim, IGN has uploaded a video interview with the studio’s lead designer Sean Murray who delves into the finer details of the intricate, dynamic economy within No Man’s Sky.

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While brief in length, Murray packs an awful lot of information into three and a half minutes, noting how the new IP will allow for players to approach the universe however they see fit. Want to mine rare resources from distant alien planets and sell them on at astronomical prices? Of course you do. Or would you rather bypass the entire process and trade items for small, incremental boosts of profit? No Man’s Sky will support that method of approach, too.

Underpinning this entire set-up – not to mention the burning desire to explore – is the galactic map. Showcased during the game’s E3 presentation, No Man’s Sky‘s game world is appropriately unfathomable, with countless stars lining the fabric of the universe all vying to be explore. According to Murray, the end-game will lie in the center of the galaxy, though the director remained mum on the specifics of this nebulous finish line.

Just yesterday, we were treated to an extended and uninterrupted playthrough of the space sim, showcasing the pastel-colored vistas all the while confirming the GTA-styled wanted level. Should you wreak havoc on an alien planet, a band of self-replicating robots known as the Sentinels will take you down with any means necessary, and their force will only compound with the more mischief you cause.

There’s nary a mention of a release window for No Man’s Sky, though we do know that it’ll launch simultaneously for PlayStation 4 and PC. We’ll keep you posted throughout the course of the month as we learn more about this intriguing new IP.