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Latest Gaming News: BioWare unveils ‘Dragon Age: Dreadwolf’ cinematic as Geralt of Rivia makes his way to ‘Fortnite’

Bear witness to the rise of the Dreadwolf.

Image credit: BioWare

Today marked the annual celebrations for Dragon Age, and BioWare didn’t come to the community empty-handed. Indeed, the Canadian game developer has just released another cinematic trailer for Dreadwolf, which is supposed to be the next main entry in their ambitious high fantasy role-playing franchise. In it, Varric discusses Solas and his other mysterious alias in ominous tones, preparing fans for the rise of the titular elven apostate.

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Meanwhile, other parts of the fantasy community rejoice as Geralt of Rivia finally makes his way to Fortnite thanks to the release of the game’s fourth chapter today. This is your daily roundup of gaming news.

A new experiment tries to determine how players react to women in competitive games, and the result is disappointingly predictable

Screengrab via YouTube

Even after so many years, women still find it difficult to participate in competitive multiplayer games and especially expose themselves by revealing their gender in voice chat. Based on a report by Eurogamer, some folks recently tried to run an experiment on Valorant and have three male players use filters to make their voices more feminine. The result was a torrent of sexist slurs and trolling because they were apparently playing “a man’s game,” and some even outright refused to cooperate with them after hearing their voices.

Geralt proves that this is his world and we’re just living in it by showing up in two major online games

The first season of Fortnite Chapter 4 is featuring none other than the monster-slayer himself, Geralt of Rivia, the White Wolf. Now that CD Projekt is preparing to release the next-gen update for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, it seems that the hype surrounding Geralt is catching in the rest of the industry, because not only will he be a playable character in Fortnite now, but Lost Ark‘s western servers are also welcoming Gwynbleidd in January 2023.

Dragon Age: Dreadwolf cinematic teases the dangers of crossing Solas

When playing Dragon Age: Inquisition, Solas was just another companion you could rely on to always have your back, but now, with the upcoming fourth installment in the series, the character is picking up the mantle of the lead villain. If you’ve played Inquisition‘s DLCs, you already know what you’re going to be up against, but just in case you don’t, BioWare has released another cinematic to celebrate Dragon Age Day and explain who the Dreadwolf really is.

Frankly, Varric seems terrified out of his wits, so we may want to have a second thought before crossing Solas in Dreadwolf, though we have a feeling the game isn’t going to give us much of a choice in that regard.