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Jet Set Radio Launches Next Month For $9.99

Sega has announced that the HD-ified Jet Set Radio remake will arrive on the PlayStation Store starting on September 11th for PlayStation Plus subscribers, followed by a full launch for the PSN masses on September 18th, for $9.99.

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Sega has announced that the HD-ified Jet Set Radio remake will arrive on the PlayStation Store starting on September 11th for PlayStation Plus subscribers, followed by a full launch for the PSN masses on September 18th, for $9.99.

The Xbox Live Arcade and PC (via Steam) versions hit the following day on September 19th, for 800 Microsoft bucks and $9.99 respectively, barely making the game’s planned Summer launch window. The Vita version of Jet Set Radio, which was also promised to be a Summer release, has been moved to October 16th. That can only mean one of two things – either the Vita version was delayed, or that Summer has finally decided to wage an all out war against Fall and is planning to move in on its territory in 2012.

Sega didn’t mention any reason for Jet Set Radio‘s late Vita release, leaving us to speculate that they simply didn’t want to feel left out, and decided to jump on the third-party Vita-avoidance bandwagon with all the “cool” video game publishers.

Source: Sega