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It Certainly Looks Like Jet Set Radio Is Coming To XBLA And PSN

If a recent teaser trailer by SEGA is to be believed, (or properly interpreted for that matter,) it looks like cult favorite Jet Set Radio (originally Jet Grind Radio in the States,) is coming soon to your digital marketplace of choice.

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If a recent teaser trailer by SEGA is to be believed, (or properly interpreted for that matter,) it looks like cult favorite Jet Set Radio (originally Jet Grind Radio in the States,) is coming soon to your digital marketplace of choice.

The below trailer, which was released on SEGA‘s official blog, doesn’t make an official confirmation of anything except that a Dreamcast game is going to be available for download soon. However, fans of the franchise will recognize that music anywhere, and is only fueled more by the logo shown at the end.

Obviously no pricing or release date has been given, but other Dreamcast games have had a quick release after the announcement, so an official announcement should be coming very soon!

What say you, gamers? Is this the re-release you’ve been dying for?