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Is Blizzard Working On A New Diablo Game?

Are you prepared for another trip into the depths of Hell? Well, it looks as though Blizzard is preparing just the thing after a company job listing was spotted for a new Art Director, specifically in relation to the Diablo universe.

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Are you prepared for another trip into the depths of Hell? Well, it looks as though Blizzard is preparing just the thing after a company job listing was spotted for a new Art Director, specifically in relation to the Diablo universe.

Whether this indicates that the studio is gearing up for a new expansion a la Reaper of Souls or a possible Diablo IV is still up for question, though see if you can glean any further information from the official post.

“Blizzard Entertainment, the developer of the most epic games in the world, is seeking an exceptionally skilled and passionate art director to help develop Blizzard’s next hit game!” the listing states. “Work alongside a team of the best artists, engineers and designers on the planet and enjoy the support of a company whose culture is centered on collaborative game development.”

At the time of writing, Blizzard’s Diablo III is currently simmering north of 30 million units sold to consumers, meaning that it’s unlikely the studio is ready to upend such a massive install base by abruptly shifting resources to a bona fide sequel. With this in mind, it would appear likely that the esteemed dev is either slowly setting up shop on Diablo IV and its vision for the RPG follow-up or, conversely, working on further expansions or crossovers with the popular Hearthstone card game.

In an official statement to Polygon, Blizzard provided its own spin on the standard ‘do not comment on rumors or speculation’ logline.

“We don’t have any additional information to share,” a spokesperson stated. “We’re always working on different projects and developing new ideas, but we don’t have anything to announce at this time. . .”

What do you think, though? Could this indicate another slice of DLC for Diablo III? Or is it a stark sign of Blizzard shifting resources over to Diablo IV? Let us know your thoughts below.