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Hero Powers Take Center Stage In Flashy New Screens For Guitar Hero Live

Of all the changes making their way into FreeStyle Games' upcoming Guitar Hero Live, the headlining feature is undoubtedly the design revision to the guitar itself. But what's a GH peripheral without a power-up button to slam when your combo really kicks into high gear?

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Of all the changes making their way into FreeStyle Games’ upcoming Guitar Hero Live, the headlining feature is undoubtedly the design revision to the guitar itself. But what’s a GH peripheral without a power-up button to slam when your combo really kicks into high gear?

While previous entires in Activision’s back-from-the-dead music franchise have seen the inclusion of Star Power, Guitar Hero Live will herald the arrival of the Hero Power button on the base of the guitar, giving budding rockstars the chance to experiment with different boosts and perks as they strum along to their particular song of choice. One design feature that remains a constant, though, is the ability to activate the Hero Power by tilting the device in true rockstar fashion, and you can get a glimpse of the boosts themselves through the gallery above.

Swapping the 6-button interface for a more refined, 3-button set-up, Activision and FreeStyle have trumpeted the revised guitar as a true step forward that will not only open up a whole new level of difficulty for series veterans, but also make concessions for newcomers who have yet to step into the pixelated limelight. Per Activision:

The guitar controller was redesigned for the best gameplay across all skill levels. The new 6-button layout makes it easier to play with only 3 buttons, or, on veteran, it starts to mirror what it’s like to play chord shapes with all six buttons, making the game easier for beginners and harder for experts.

FreeStyle Games will bring out the rockstar in all of us when Guitar Hero Live lands on PlayStation 4,PlayStation 3, Xbox One, Xbox 360 and Wii U on October 20.