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We Got This Covered’s Best Games Of E3 2016

Year after year, E3 brings with it lots to get excited about, from previously unannounced surprises to demos of the next big thing. E3 2016 was no different in this respect, as there were a lot of great games made available for demonstration, not to mention some very exciting announcements.


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3) Battlefield 1

As a long time fan of the Battlefield series, I went into Battlefield 1 expecting the same thing. The franchise has remained fairly popular over the last few years, and although the game has turned back the clock to World War One, I anticipated a standard first person shooter, simply dressed up in hundred year old clothing.

What I got, however, was something I didn’t even knew I wanted; a return to form. Battlefield 1 stands out from the rest of the shooters we got our hands on at E3, simply because it capitalizes on what made the series so popular in the first place. Sure, the introduction of ‘behemoth’ vehicles and an interesting suite of weapons might seem alluring, but it’s the revision of the game’s class system, and the emphasis on teamwork that make Battlefield 1 a game that’s really stuck with me.


2) Sea Of Thieves

As someone who traditionally shies away from MMO games, I was originally confused by Rare’s Sea of Thieves. Frankly, I wasn’t sure what type of game it was, and I was fearing it would be going down the path of the MMO, which simply meant that it wouldn’t receive much attention from me.

Granted, my confusion largely stemmed from the difficulty of demoing such a game for the public. It wasn’t until the Microsoft conference, where the game was shown off via a pre-recorded demo, that everything began to click for me. When I got my hands on it a day or so later, I was completely on-board. We may not have gotten to see that much of what Sea of Thieves has to offer, but my small amount of time spent sailing the open seas and taking down enemy ships has already gotten me hooked. Finally, Rare Ltd. is back in action, and with a pirate game to boot.