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Gamer makes playable ‘Minecraft’ in ‘Minecraft’ using only redstone

Has science gone too far?

Image: Mojang

In further proof how far technology and gaming has advanced, one truly talented gamer has made a playable version of Minecraft within Minecraft.

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Using only redstone and a lot of time, sammyuri has one-upped the trope of porting DOOM to every conceviable item and turned Minecraft into a spiralling inception of Minecraft. One of the most popular games in the world, its fanbase is constantly testing the limits of the game and its engine, but this may just be the finest use ever.

In a YouTube video, sammyuri explained how they managed to do it, with them showcasing their openredstone.org software which can enable anyone recreate a functional PC in Minecraft. The immense effort and gameplay is displayed in a three minute video which has swept across the internet.

A key feature to make it work is a tool which speeds up redstone by 30,000 times, allowing more gruelling and interesting combinations in-game.

While it’s clearly not on the same graphic level of vanilla Minecraft, the accomplishment itself is breath-taking. This version of the game currently supports just stone, wood, and iron weapons, and allows players to mine just coal and iron. Inventories can hold up to just ten stacks, while chests boast a larger capacity of 30 stacks.

Even fall damage features in this tech demo, which you can only assume will cause a fire to a PC somewhere out there. With just three core members, it cannot be understated how impressive a demo this is. Who knows, maybe their next update will see Minecraft within Minecraft within Minecraft? Or being able to play DOOM within that?

Currently sitting at 30,000 upvotes on Reddit, this may go down in Minecraft history as a massive moment. Minecraft is available to play on nearly every gaming platform, though this specific test of the game is only available on PC.