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Fresh Details Emerge For Keiji Inafune’s Xbox One Exclusive ReCore

One of the more pleasant surprises of Microsoft's E3 2015 press event was the reveal of Xbox One exclusive, ReCore. Sandwiched in between some of the publisher's heavy-hitters such as Halo 5: Guardians and Rise of the Tomb Raider, the sci-fi title is being developed under the watchful eyes of Mark Pacini and Mega Man creator Keiji Inafune.

One of the more pleasant surprises of Microsoft’s E3 2015 press event was the reveal of Xbox One exclusive, ReCore. Sandwiched in between some of the publisher’s heavy-hitters such as Halo 5: Guardians and Rise of the Tomb Raider, the sci-fi title is being developed under the watchful eyes of Mark Pacini and Mega Man creator Keiji Inafune.

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Beyond the mystical reveal trailer, not much was showcased in terms of the actual story, and there’s still a lot we don’t know about Microsoft’s upcoming exclusive. How and ever, in a recent interview via Xbox, Pacini and Inafune sat down to talk about ReCore, its gameplay elements, and what fans can look forward to despite the fact that the title remains in the early stages of development.


Centering on the story of Jewel and Mack – the Wall-E-esque robot glimpsed in the maiden footage – Armature Studio’s new IP will allow players to carry over the core of the canine companion and build it around different robots. So, for example, when Mack was essentially defeated by the malevolent robots in the trailer, Jewel will still have the power to transfer the core – and indeed Mack’s consciousness – into a another body.

“As you continue on this adventure you are going to meet other companions, as well as enemies. The game’s main theme focuses on how she is going to survive in this world. The relationship between the friendly robots in the game and the enemy robots in the game, they get more volatile and deadlier as you go underground and find these areas. That’s where all the good stuff is, and that’s what you’re trying to explore.”

Taking place in a world with very little life, ReCore has all the ingredients to be a bona fide sleeper hit when it release exclusively for Xbox One. Until then, be sure to share your thoughts on Aramture’s title down below.