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First Resistance 3 Multiplayer Footage

Today the internet has been graced with a cam recorded chunk of multiplayer gameplay from Insomniac’s third instalment in the Resistance franchise. The footage appears to show off a fairly standard team deathmatch mode and looks noticeably prettier than its predecessor - as this is going to be another PS3 exclusive, Sony are no doubt hoping it will bring over more gamers to their console. Recently analysts have been suggesting that Sony’s console has actually overtaken Microsoft’s Xbox 360 in terms of worldwide sales because of the rising PS3 dominance in Asia and Europe.

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Today the internet has been graced with a cam recorded chunk of multiplayer gameplay from Insomniac’s third instalment in the Resistance franchise. The footage appears to show off a fairly standard team deathmatch mode and looks noticeably prettier than its predecessor. As this is going to be another PS3 exclusive, Sony are no doubt hoping it will bring over more gamers to their console. Recently analysts have been suggesting that Sony’s console has actually overtaken Microsoft’s Xbox 360 in terms of worldwide sales because of the rising PS3 dominance in Asia and Europe.

For most of you gamers this will mean very little (unless you enjoy bickering about console superiority), but check out the first glimpse of Resistance 3 online goodness (all looking way too familiar yet for you?) below and let us know what you make of it.