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Where To Find The Stan Lee Memorial In Spider-Man: Miles Morales

Arriving alongside Sony's powerful PlayStation 5 console yesterday, Spider-Man: Miles Morales is now available on current and last-gen systems, bringing with it an all-new adventure for fans of the superhero to embark on. Eagerly taking over from his friend and mentor Peter Parker in the eternal quest to keep citizens safe from harm, Miles has donned the iconic suit and started patrolling the City That Never Sleeps for signs of unrest, no matter how big or small.

Spider-Man: Miles Morales

Arriving alongside Sony’s powerful PlayStation 5 console yesterday, Spider-Man: Miles Morales is now available on current and last-gen systems, bringing with it an all-new adventure for fans of the superhero to embark on. Eagerly taking over from his friend and mentor Peter Parker in the eternal quest to keep citizens safe from harm, Miles has donned the iconic suit and started patrolling the City That Never Sleeps for signs of unrest, no matter how big or small.

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There is, of course, a central plot involving the Tinkerer and his private army of goons – the Underground – to take care of, though no open world experience is complete without well-hidden secrets and Easter eggs to find off the beaten path. Miles Morales might retread the very same metropolis that Parker had free roam of back in 2018, but a lot has changed in the 12 months since he put the Sinister Six behind bars.

For those that recall, Marvel’s Stan Lee – who passed away shortly after launch of Spider-Man – had a cameo role in the title as a short order cook at Mick’s Diner. The restaurant still stands by the events of this year’s sequel, though Mick, sadly, has moved on. Clearly out of respect for Lee following his death, however, Insomniac decided to retire the character in-game, erecting a statue in his stead to immortalize the man who helped create so many memorable Marvel characters.

To check out the memorial for yourselves, head straight to the middle of Central Park and West into the city. To make things easier, we’d suggest staying at, or near to, ground level so you can easily spot the statue in question, which stands tall outside Mick’s Diner. For you completionists out there, making the journey will unlock the Best Fries In Town Trophy.

Spider-Man: Miles Morales is out now for PS4 and PS5. See here for our review of the latter version.