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Fan Petition To Keep Star Wars Battlefront II Alive Soars Over 50,000 Signatures

You may not agree with the headline, but some (and by some, I now mean tens of thousands) Star Wars Battlefront II fans certainly believe the game to be at death's door.

Star Wars Battlefront II

You may not agree with the headline, but some (and by some, I now mean tens of thousands) Star Wars Battlefront II fans certainly believe the game to be at death’s door.

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The reason? Earlier this month, developer DICE confirmed via a lengthy post over on the multiplayer game’s official website that it would soon be wrapping up post-launch support for the title. The decision took effect immediately following the release of Battlefront II‘s Return to Scarif patch, in fact, blindsiding those who had no reason to believe that the project had been winding down for some time. Naturally, the news immediately led many to believe that a sequel was on the way, though that, too, has since fallen through.

As of writing, word on the grapevine is that EA has absolutely no plans to release a follow-up, with its plans for the Star Wars license going forward seemingly focused entirely on single-player adventures à la Jedi: Fallen Order.

With that said, however, Battlefront II isn’t going anywhere. DICE has already reiterated that it plans to keep the game running and that small-scale events will continue to return periodically, but that has done little to quiet the growing number of fans disappointed by what they perceive to be wasted potential.

A petition started earlier this week calling on EA to reconsider its stance has now attracted more than 50,000 signatures from like-minded individuals desperate for more content, even if it means paying for it. Whether the campaign will be enough to prompt a change of heart remains to be seen, though if recent comments on the matter provided by DICE’s Ben Chalke are any indication, the outcome doesn’t look favourable.

Would you be willing to pay money in support of Star Wars Battlefront II getting more content though, or do you believe this is the natural course of all online games? Let us know in the usual place below!