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Fallout 4 DLC “Not Far Off” As Bethesda Confirms Plans To Overhaul Survival Mode

Production on the maiden expansion pack for Fallout 4 continues apace, and Bethesda is "not far off" from finally pulling back the curtain.


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Production on the maiden expansion pack for Fallout 4 continues apace, and Bethesda is “not far off” from finally pulling back the curtain.

Taking to Twitter, the studio acknowledged that early adopters – and particularly Season Pass owners – are beginning to grow impatient for the RPG’s first DLC drop, though news of what it contains is seemingly right around the corner.

In a separate post, there was also word that the in-game Survival mode is set to get a “complete overhaul,” adjusting important variables such as food, sleep and diseases. Much like the DLC tease, no official release timeline was announced, though expect those changes to survival mode to ramp up the difficulty.

Per Bethesda:

Fallout 4 DLC remains a mystery for the time being, though now that Bethesda is “not far off” from announcing details, surely we can expect to learn more of its due date and the new content it heralds very soon indeed.